The aim of this study was to explored the effects of Fe2O3 and Bi2O3 on the color properties of
a 3Y-TZP zirconia ceramics for dental application. Pigmented dental ZrO2 powders were prepared by
mixing different concentration of Fe2O3 and Bi2O3, also in their combinations with 3Y-TZP powders. The
mixture was compacted by isostastic pressure, then densely sintered. Color parameters were measured by
Minolta CM2600d spectrophotometer. XRD was used to exam the structure of colored 3Y-TZP.
Experimental results showed that the hue of the materials shift from yellow-green to yellow-red with the
increasing concentration of the Fe2O3 and Bi2O3. Combined use of Fe2O3 and Bi2O3 could further decrease
the L* value, which color scope was suitable for dental color matching. The XRD spectra showed only
tetragonal phase was detected.