I hope you consider the awesome opportunities that can come your way if you keep on learning. There are many excellent reasons for continuing to learn:
• The intellectual content of many jobs is increasing
• The skills required to be competent at work change constantly
• Many parts of our lives change all the time, even helping your high school student with their homework! Also learning a sport or hobby.
• I believe you will have a happier, more successful, fulfilled life.
Of course there needs to be a big commitment from you so it is always best to try and learn things you love.
Whatever it is you need to keep learning.
Amazingly your brain will grow and grow like a muscle as you continue learning. It was made to seek more knowledge.
So I urge you not to stop now. Build on your success. Keep feeding on that magical taste of success.
You have just begun on a path of lifelong learning that will be the engine room of your success.
Find your passion and get to it!
Congratulations and the Best of Luck.