Given the challenges and difficulties faced by modern logistics managers, both
practitioners and academics have recognized the need for them to acquire new
skills. Murphy and Poist (1994, 1998) proposed that senior-level logisticians
required three kinds of skills, namely those pertaining to business, logistics and
management. The findings of their survey of executive search firms, logistics
practitioners and logistics educators indicated that management skills were the
most important, followed by skills in logistics and business.
Given the challenges and difficulties faced by modern logistics managers, bothpractitioners and academics have recognized the need for them to acquire newskills. Murphy and Poist (1994, 1998) proposed that senior-level logisticiansrequired three kinds of skills, namely those pertaining to business, logistics andmanagement. The findings of their survey of executive search firms, logisticspractitioners and logistics educators indicated that management skills were themost important, followed by skills in logistics and business.
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