All chemicals that were part of this study are tabulated in Table 1 and were procured from a commercial source (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) at 97% or higher purity except for phenol. Phenol is a solid at room temperature. Liquefied phenol, defined as !89% phenol in a water slurry, was used to simplify the application of phenol onto the surface. Special care was taken to homogenize the solution prior to application and to avoid crystallization by gentle warming of the phenol-containing vial in a water bath. Nitrobenzene and 2-CEES were applied as neat liquids. Technical Chlordane is composed of 60% octachloro-4,7-methanotetrahy- droindane (the cis [a] and trans [g] isomers of chlordane) and 40% related compounds [10].