Several interest groups have been instrumental in the
development of emergency medicine. SEMI, the Society
of Emergency Medicine in India, was started in 1999 [26]
and has served as an important forum not only for national
emergency physicians to brainstorm the steps for the
development of emergency medicine in the country, but
they have also served as an important focal point of contact
with other international agencies like the ACEP (American
College of Emergency Physicians). AAEMI, the American
Academy for Emergency Medicine in India, was established
in 2001 and has partnered with SEMI in order to
bring attention and recognition to Indian Emergency
Medicine [27]. The more recent Indo-US Emergency and
Trauma Collaborative (INDUS) has furthered the cause of
nationalized emergency medicine education in India [28].
NEPI, the Network of Emergency Physicians in India, is a
virtual network of emergency physicians and aspirants in
the field that provides a venue to engage in academic,
administrative, and research-related discussions about
emergency medicine in India [