There previously stood a wall with the great talents who have come out of there, and now there is a huge mural of Marcelo Bielsa's face and another with the likeness of Isaac Newell, the founder of one of Rosario's two great clubs.
The Malvinas park, where the Newell's youth teams still train in seven-a-side games - not 11 - was the place where countless stars left their mark. On the side of pitches 3 and 4, however, someone realized something strange was occurring.
All of his teammates were getting changed, but one was in a hurry and waited impatiently by the door. Enrique Dominguez, the trainer, approached the father of Lucas Scaglia and inquired about what was going on.
"What is El Leo doing standing there?" he asked.
"He is waiting for us to leave because he wants to come to our house," Scaglia senior replied.
"But why is he so anxious if he always goes to your house?" came the reply.
"Because now the weekend is coming around and Antonella, Lucas' cousin, comes on Saturdays and Sundays. Leo likes her," the father said.