I note that there are numerous files open for long periods with certain adjusters. Those doing KPI losses are settling them far faster as they are taking a pro-active approach by chasing by email, phone call and actually going to see them. Those that send out an email and do not follow up by phone call or go to see the Insured, then clearly your happy to have files open that haver nothing happening, and that sitting with a case load of 30-40 with 20 files dormant clearly sends a message that you prefer to look busy or pretend to be busy.
In 2015 we seen various adjusters with much higher claim volumes than others and they still managed to obtain over 90% or in some cases 100% than those that had lower volumes, such that those sitting with claims that are dormant and think that they can pretend that they are busy, then your only kidding yourself as doing a standard update report hardly takes much time.
Those that have outstanding files and are not actively trying to close them, then as of 1st February 2016 these losses will be reallocated to another adjuster to handle the loss and take proactive action to close such. Those that like sitting on a pile of claims that make them look busy, then you only have another 20 days to look busy with those files, so make the most of your time looking busy! As of 1st February 2016 the files will be reallocated.