3.4. Psychotropic Activity
3.4.1. Hole Board Test
The test displays the rats’ curiosity in every minute throughout the 5 minutes of test’s duration, and the rats’ exploration
of the holes was evaluated by counting the number of head dips each minute (Figure 3). During the
first and second minutes of the hole board test, a decrease in the rats’ activities was observed and the variationwas not significant between the control lot that has received table oil, the group of rats administered with the
different doses of T. lythroides’s extract and the lot tested using zepam (i.e.: the reference molecule). However,
in the third minute, there is a significant difference between the control lot that had an increase in its activity
level and the other lots subject to the test that have experienced a decreased activity level. Additionally, despite
the drop in the activity of all the lots expect for the 200 mg/kg group―as this lot saw an increase in the rats’ exploratory activity―the fourth minute has witnessed a significant deviation between the control group on one
hand and the zepam lot and the lot tested with the dose of 500 mg/kg of T. lythroides’s extract on the other hand,
while there was no significant variation between the control lot and the groups that have received the doses of
200 and 400 mg/kg. Then last but not least, during the fifth minute of the test, there was a decrease in the activities
of the groups of rats that have received the doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg, while―similarly to in the fourth
minute―the lots treated with zepam showed no signs of activity and the lot of control and the lot tested with the
500 mg/kg dose kept the same activity level.
In comparison to the group of control which has shown higher activity, the number of head dips was lower in
each of the groups tested using the doses of the Tl’s extract and Zepam, and therefore, the difference was highly
significant between the control lot and the other tested lots (Figure 4).
3.4. Psychotropic Activity3.4.1. Hole Board TestThe test displays the rats’ curiosity in every minute throughout the 5 minutes of test’s duration, and the rats’ explorationof the holes was evaluated by counting the number of head dips each minute (Figure 3). During thefirst and second minutes of the hole board test, a decrease in the rats’ activities was observed and the variationwas not significant between the control lot that has received table oil, the group of rats administered with thedifferent doses of T. lythroides’s extract and the lot tested using zepam (i.e.: the reference molecule). However,in the third minute, there is a significant difference between the control lot that had an increase in its activitylevel and the other lots subject to the test that have experienced a decreased activity level. Additionally, despitethe drop in the activity of all the lots expect for the 200 mg/kg group―as this lot saw an increase in the rats’ exploratory activity―the fourth minute has witnessed a significant deviation between the control group on onehand and the zepam lot and the lot tested with the dose of 500 mg/kg of T. lythroides’s extract on the other hand,while there was no significant variation between the control lot and the groups that have received the doses of200 and 400 mg/kg. Then last but not least, during the fifth minute of the test, there was a decrease in the activitiesof the groups of rats that have received the doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg, while―similarly to in the fourth
minute―the lots treated with zepam showed no signs of activity and the lot of control and the lot tested with the
500 mg/kg dose kept the same activity level.
In comparison to the group of control which has shown higher activity, the number of head dips was lower in
each of the groups tested using the doses of the Tl’s extract and Zepam, and therefore, the difference was highly
significant between the control lot and the other tested lots (Figure 4).
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