Now some of the issues to keep in mind around teams of internal coaches for on-boarding are:
• Coaching has to be optional. It’s important that people are educated about it so you increase the
chances of usage but it has to be optional. The client has to want to use the service.
• There needs to be lots of structure and clarity so people know exactly what they are getting into. It’s
nice to turn it into a product. For example it could be an on-boarding coaching product where you
have a brand and logo, and its 12 sessions over 6 months with specific outcomes.
• It’s helpful to let the client to choose the coach. This is the best way of matching. The end user
seems to be the best person to choose the coach.
• Remove every road block you possibly can, really help people to find the coach easily, meet the
coach easily, learn about the coach easily, e.g. put up web sites with photos of the available
coaches and put their phone numbers there.