The final form for representing a single issue is shown in Fig. 3. The task is first in ongoing development state (gray color) for five working days (there is a weekend shown in white in between). Then the testing phase (yellow color, or lighter gray if the image is in gray scale) of two days starts next week. During the testing phase, the task is re-opened (red line) and the task is returned to state “open”. Finally, the task is deemed ready for production and on delivery day it is deployed to the production environment. Blue dots in the figure are comments. In theory, there should be gray color after the red line, because the task was now again in implementation. People tend to forget to change the state of the task, which happened in this case, too. In this case, there was a comment and then the task was ready for production. This implies that there is no need for such a state in Jira set up.