Formaldehyde emissions from MDF bonded with urea–formaldehyde resin (UF), melamine–formaldehyde resin (MF) and the co-polycondensation resin of urea–melamine–formaldehyde (UMF) and melamine–formaldehyde, measured by the Japanese standard method of determining formaldehyde emission with a desiccator (JIS A 5908) and the DIN EN 120 (European Committee For Standardization, 1991) method using the perforator value, were used as the typical standard methods. While the UF resin showed a desiccator value of 7.05 ppm and a perforator value of 12.1 mg/100 g panel, the MF resin exhibited a desiccator value of 0.6 ppm
and a perforator value of 2.88 mg/100 g panel.