If you are investigating a matter or preparing a report for a decision-maker, it is good practice to consider the
requirements of procedural fairness at every stage of your investigation.
Procedural fairness is an essential part of a professional investigation and benefits both parties. As an investigator,
acting according to procedural fairness can help you by providing:
an important means of checking facts and identifying major issues
comments made by the subject of the complaint that can expose weaknesses in the investigation
advance warning of areas where the investigation report may be challenged.
Depending on the circumstances, procedural fairness requires you to:
inform those involved in the complaint of the main points of any allegations or grounds for negative comment
against them. How and when this is done is up to you, depending on the circumstances
provide people with a reasonable opportunity to put their case, whether in writing, at a hearing or otherwise. It is
important to weigh all relevant circumstances for each individual