Education of Thailand today. This study was not much different from the past. It's just that these days, more and more students struggle to learn. It can be seen from the tutorial to learn. More tutor This demonstrates the effectiveness of teachers in schools that still use video instruction to teach the knowledge, but the command of the main house. Put too much content I have not memorized In elementary subjects we should put to use in everyday life a little bit. Took courses emphasize practical skills can be used in everyday life. I have a child to choose elective course to find talent in children and enhance their skills to children. The ability to teach Vichy occupation. Teach children to participate in practice in many forms in the layer just take it easy. High levels to increase participation and promote the expression more. Higher levels were gradually add more content. Actually, I like the Japanese. Learning outside the classroom To study the order, but not really homework to do every day. The children have to do homework, but the teacher. I do not have time to read books No time to know yourself. Cause children to learn outside the school. Because in the schools Will focus on the academic As students can remember the course content is understood that each teacher will help the students to work as a team. Experience or cause In fact, both of them should be done concurrently. Not focus on one Because the students are bored in class and turned his attention to something else, like reading comic books, games and many other causes that prompt students to impair learning and future expectations. Another is that the Books that were sold as a set, in fact, some books, it does not take anything. Because teachers use exercises that they have come to learn and modify the content, thus enabling parents to incur costs unnecessarily.