The proposed framework suggested that green
lifesfyle varies for different demographic
segments. The results support this assiunption
for income but not for gender. Higher income
was related to greener lifesfyle (H2) while
females were not found to lead greener
lifesfyles than males (Hi). This is in contrast
with previous studies that have found that
women maintain a healthier lifesfyle than men
(Divine and Lepisto 2005). The measure used
in this study did not focus only on the health
aspect of green lifesfyle and therefore could
have produced different results from previous
studies. Green attitude however varied by
gender. Females were more prone to care about
green attributes of a gift calendar than males.
This relationship needs further investigation.
This result might indicate that green attitude
varies by gender based on the product category.
The framework also argued that green lifesfyle
influences green attitude which in tum
influences green behavioral intention (H3 and
H4). This was supported by the SEM. However
green attitude only partially mediated the
relationship between green lifesfyle and green