The cystic parasitic kidney containing several chambers was
detected to derive blood supply from the branch of 1.6 mm in
diameter arising proximally to the division of iliac arteries. The
cystic structure was protruding into the abdominal cavity of the
autosite along the right anterior abdominal wall and reached the
omphalocele sac (Fig. 3). After preparation the newborn was
operated on. The omphalocele sac was excised circulary. Abdominal
cavity was exposed and rudimental intestines of the parasite were
removed. There was no connection between the alimentary tracts.
Incision was extended cranially and reached the sternum. The
parasite was separated by ligating the vessels, removing the
amniotic sac and hypoplastic intestines (Fig. 4). Soft tissues of the
parasite were used to repair the thoracoabdominal defect resulting
in median thoracoabdominal suture (Fig. 5). The postoperative
course of this patient up to the age of 1 year was uncompromised.