2. Managing Diversity. Sherman&Stering is an international law firm heardquartered in New York City, with offices in Abu Dhabi, Beijing, Dusseldorf , Tokyo, Paris, and elsewhere. Like other law firms, much of the work that must be done is carried out by entry-level professionals, including student interns and associates who have just completed law school. The firm in dependent on these sources of lanor and is eager to attract the best and the brightest. Visit the website for Shearman &Sterling to investigate the professional opportunities described(e.g.,summer programs, continuing education, and career development ). Analyze the firm’s formal communication. What messages are converyed through the website? Describe the specific cues that you react to as part of the message. Prepare a one-page memo to Sherman&Sterling describing the strengths and weaknesses of its approach to communicating via the WWW. . How could improving its website contribute to its recruitment effectiveness? Visit Sherman&Sterling’s employment opportunities at