As I walk to my room I hear strange noises coming from my room. I stop at the door to my room and think about how crazy it's been living there. It’s been hectic living in the same room with my brothers when the room is not even that big. It’s almost as if my room has been separated into two sections so that my brother and I have two separate areas for our own belongings.When i finally walk in and it’s like stepping into a disaster zone. The noises are coming out from two different stereos at once and are twisted together to make a mix of pop and blues. My little brother's section of the room is like a jungle with clothes all over, toys spread around and books everywhere. My section of the room is a bit freaky because it is actually clean most of the time and I think of myself as being the messy one in the family and i am a teenager. The strangest thing about our room is propably the music coming from our stereos because actually fits each section of the room. The walls and ceiling are the only two things we do not divide between ourselves. On two walls there are posters of our favorite characthers from carttons, movies, and all other entertainment you can name. On the other two walls are the exact opposite of the other two walls.There are posters of some encouraging words my sister got from attending the Adam Koo Leadership Camp years back and it is actually filled with some useful things like schedule, and remainder of what to do for the rest of the weeks so me and my brother wont’t miss any lesson, homework or other important stuff and also my report cards to remind me to be dilligent and be better person than the last year. The beds and closets are on opposite sides of the room. There two beds and one of them needs to slide out like the beds i have in camp except it’s taller and better looking. The closet is divided into two sections just like most of the things in my room. My brother have the biggest ones because most of my old clothes...