The MSRT was conducted as previously described [23]. This test consisted of shuttle running between two lines, spaced 20 m apart. The initial velocity of the incremental test was set at 8 km · h−1 and was increased by 0.5 km · h−1 every minute. The participants adjusted their running velocity according to a combination of regular auditory pacing signals provided by a calibrated beeper (Best Electronic, France). The test was finished if (1) the participant felt he could no longer sustain the running pace, or (2) the participant failed to arrive within 2 m of the end line on two consecutive laps. The estimated maximal aerobic velocity (MAVest) was calculated as the speed of the last fully completed stage and was used to predict maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) using the equation [23]. Heart rate was continuously recorded during the MSRT using a heart rate monitor (S810TM, Polar, Kempele, Finland).