Smart plaster composites were manufactured by mixing plaster with different amounts of Micronal®DS5001X microcapsules containing a paraffin mixture with a melting point of 26◦C to develop newconstruction materials with high thermal energy storage capacity for use in high-comfort construc-tive systems. Thermal characterization of smart plaster composites was performed using two differentexperimental techniques: thermal energy storage properties, such as latent heat and heat capacities,were investigated using a Transient Guarded Hot Plate Technique (TGHPT), whereas thermal conduc-tivities and diffusivities were measured using a periodic temperature method. The results revealed animprovement in the latent heat and the heat capacities of the composites with increasing paraffin con-tent in the composite. Furthermore, thermal conductivities and diffusivities decreased with increasingmicroencapsulated paraffin concentration.