3.3. Coating and surface applications
The influence of ultrasound in electroplating was one of the first topics studied in sonoelectrochemistry. The
benefits have been well-established and continuously used. Not only typical metallic deposits are obtained such as
silver oxide [61], silver [62], tungsten [63] but also bioactive calcium phosphate coating [64] and CdSe films [65]
have been sonoelectrodeposited. Some of these studies have been focused on the scale-up of the process [66]. In
addition, other surfaces applications have also been developed by sonoelectrochemical techniques: anodization [67],
etching [68], sonoelectropolymerization [69], sonoelectrodeposition [70] and composites electrodes [71].
3.3. Coating and surface applicationsThe influence of ultrasound in electroplating was one of the first topics studied in sonoelectrochemistry. Thebenefits have been well-established and continuously used. Not only typical metallic deposits are obtained such assilver oxide [61], silver [62], tungsten [63] but also bioactive calcium phosphate coating [64] and CdSe films [65]have been sonoelectrodeposited. Some of these studies have been focused on the scale-up of the process [66]. Inaddition, other surfaces applications have also been developed by sonoelectrochemical techniques: anodization [67],etching [68], sonoelectropolymerization [69], sonoelectrodeposition [70] and composites electrodes [71].
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