First file attached is the Letter that I sent you, that was notarized by the Notary Public and legalized by the Thai Embassy. Please verify the letter shows the correct number of registration and date of issue, according to the CFS (third file). The number that you sent us in the PDF sample is not correct (second file). This numbers that you put with ink are respectively the code of control to check in the government website the electronically signature and the date that the document was downloaded from the government website. Note the CFS shows clearly in the chart the registration number, date of registration and date of validity.
So, it’s wrong what they are asking, and I can’t prepare a document with wrong information. The one that I sent you is correct. Please explain to Thai FDA.
2. Second point, this letter was revised by you before we send to Notary and Thai Embassy. This processes involve high costs and time to be realized. We did everything according to your instructions and we expect it had being demanded according to your Thai FDA instructions.
With this questions, please explain to your Thai Embassy and get back to us.