Dear Mr. Sébastien Gaillard,
Greeting from THE SHINE’s Juristic Person Office
As per your deposits 2,000 THB that you have ever deposited with the Juristic Person for spending water supply bill and electric supply bill in the residence 12A03-04, we would like to inform you that, now, the total balance with the Juristic Person is xxx. Moreover, we have attached an electric supply bill in June of the residence no. 12A03-04 with the total amount THB 2,100.85 (include vat 7%)
Remark: Please pay the electric supply expense within 16th – 25th June, 2014.
Should you have any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
THE SHINE Juristic Person
Managed by
K.P. Real Estate Management Co., Ltd.
Office : +6653-105-738 ext. 101
Fax : +6653-273-488
Mobile : +6694-628-4724
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