SS: Satou's Inspection
With a cage filled with house mouses that Tama and Pochi caught in the royal capital on one hand, I teleport to the epidemic prevention laboratory using Unit Arrangement.
This place is completely isolated from the outside world, so I can only enter here through teleportation.
I put on a white lab coat, and then take out one of the mouses inside the cage with [Magic Hand].
The mouse looks around the room restlessly while squeaking.
"Sorry, but I'll have you go along with the experiment."
I open the unwary mouse's mouth, and make it drink the upper grade potion mixed with my blood--Nectar with a bulb syringe.
The house mouse screamed and then it fainted.
Its small body looks like it's gotten a bit stronger, its health and stamina are about to run out.
I put some sugared water in the mouse's mouth, and then put it in a different cage than the first one.
The sleeping face of the mouse looks somewhat happy, but that must be my imagination.
I dilute the Nectar with water 10 times its concentration, and then make the next mouses drink it.
There wasn't any who disliked it, but several of the mouses collapsed.
After trying it with around 10 mouses, I ended the experiment and put them in the third cage.
When I was about to continue the next experiment, I noticed that the mouses in the cages had gotten up and were staring at me.
I wonder if it's just my imagination, I can feel intelligence in the mouses' eyes.
The AR indicator showed that the first house mouse that I experimented with had its race changed to [Sage Mouse].
As for the rest of the mouses I experimented with, three out of the ten changed into [Sage Mouse (Low)]. The other seven mouses remain a mouse.
I let the other mouses that haven't been experimented with to drink my blood.
They lick my blood with their small tongues, but their body aren't changing.
Next, I drip my blood into a new upper grade magic potion with various ratio, and then give it to the rest of the mouses.
The house mouses aren't changing just like with my blood.
Apparently, the problem is with the blood coming from the arm that has been encroached with the divinity from the Divine Sword.
I'm relieved that I don't have to worry about something like high human appearing after having some night life.
Now I can visit the pleasure quarter during the journey without hesitation.