Routing threats in the BANs : For the experimental scenario,
consider the Huang et al.’s system, which needs a multi-hop
environment from BAN to a remote EHR server. A
malicious user could attack the network layer. He/she may
steal or modify the packets, and forward the altered packets
to the remote server that may cause a false alarm. The
routing attacks in a multi-hop environment are selective
forwarding, sinkhole threat, and Sybil attack. Sinkhole
threat is that an attacker tries to attract all neighboring
nodes to establish routes through a malicious node, which is
very hard to detect. Sybil Attack is an attack, which a Hence patient anonymity and un-traceability would prove
vital in such scenarios. An adversary can obtain someone’s
health status while he/she is busy exercising in a healthclub.
Based on a patient’s captured data a malicious user
can guess the current activity of a patient and he/she may
send the wrong exercise tips to the patient that could cause
them severe pain.