• Human rights violation-Government forces are responsible for extrajudicial execution of suspected political opponents. And in the areas they control, the opposition UNITA forces kill suspected government supporters.
• Ethnic and other conflicts-The Movemento por Popular Libertac;ao de Angola (MPLA) derives much of its support from the urban areas, while the Uniao Nacional para Independencia Total de Angola (UNITA) opposition consists largely of the rural Ovimbundu people, who feel thseatened by extinction. Elections were held in 1992, but UNI1l refused to accept the MPLA victory, and the conflict was re- sumed. In 1993, starvation, disease and land-mines were reported to be killing thousands of people.
• Military spending-In 1990, Angola spent 20% of its GDP on the military. In the late 1980s, there were 200 military personnel for every doctor.