The irrigation water needs for each RG could be improved by using climate data with a finer resolution (cell size
< 1km2); the current dataset is too coarse compared to the minimum size of RGs (6 m2).
To obtain a realistic estimation of the potential water harvested at each RG a spatial dataset of the building
footprint of the urban area should be acquired.
The irrigation water demand of the RGs in the pilot area can be considered an underestimation; in fact, the
geodatabase used contains only the polygons that have been detected by photointerpretation and numerous small
parcels may have not been recognized due to the spatial resolution of the imagery available in Google Earth.
The crop coefficient (kc) used for each land use class is an average value extracted by using the value reported in
the literature. Results could be improved considerably by collecting data on cultivated crops for a sample of RGs.