Normalized Q-SSC graphs were drawn with linear axes for both ariables. Twenty four event provided an adequate number of samples to draw the SSC-Q graphs (lig 8) In this study, most recorded events exhibited clockwise hysteresis loops (17 which is the most common hysteresis class observed for small water sheds in humid regions worldwide (Williams, 19s9) Figure eight hysteresis loops were also observed for three events (19 August 1988, 7 June 1989, and 14 August 1990) These events present opposite behaviors in which a positive loop occured for low dis- charge values, and a negative loop occured for high discharge values (and vice versa) The last group of floods with complex hysteresis loops (four events) includes events with two clockwise loops (three events) and clockwise plus figure eight loops that occurred on 13 June 1992. Three complex hysteresis loops can be considered, including two clockwise hysteresis loops. The hydro- graph shows two sediment peaks that coincide with two discharge peaks. and the SSC decreased before Q in the falling limbs.