Theoretically, the legal can ei t her limi t or even forecl ose entry to industri es. As the
Vi etnamese Government’s issuance of Circular No.06/2006/TT-BYT cosmet i c
companies can freely import the cosmet i c products into Vi etnam. And the cosmet i c
importers need to produce the ori ginal testing certificates for the imported cosmet i cs.
The certificate must be issued by the producer. And these companies are requested to
be responsible for thei r products’ quali t y. Furthermore, wi th the reducti on of tax and
tariff f rom 50 percent to 20-30 percent, the gate to the Vi etnamese cosmetic market is
opening wider. However, the cosmet i c advertisement must foll ow stri ct control of the
Ministry of Cul ture and Informati on. The cosmet i c companies need to pass the
Ministry’s requi rement to adverti se their cosmet i c products. Though, the procedure i s
similar to other countri es and does not requi re any higher standards in Vietnam.
Therefore, i t woul d be no probl em for cosmet i c companies who pass the standard of
thei r own countri es to introduce products in Vietnam. Conclusively, the legal aspect is
becoming less strict to the forei gn cosmet i c products. And i t can be considered as a
favorable factor to forei gn cosmet i c companies.
6.1.3 Cultural factor