Ochsner and Gross model
More recently, Ochsner and Gross26 proposed a neural
model of emotion regulation that focuses on the
interaction between bottom-up emotion appraisal and
top-down cognitive control processes centered on
subcortical affective appraisal systems (amygdala,
basal ganglia) and prefrontal cortical and cingulate
systems, respectively.26–28 Their model includes two
types of top-down appraisal systems. The first type
involves dorsomedial and dorsolateral prefrontal
cortical systems. These systems are implicated in
top-down description-based appraisal, allowing the
generation of mental representations of affective
states, as well as reappraisal to regulate emotion.
The second type involves ventral prefrontal cortical
systems. These systems are implicated in top-down
outcome-based appraisal, important for the learning
of associations between outcomes and preceding
choices or events to regulate emotion.