Road environment and infrastructure are very important for citizen’s road safety and economic growth of a
country. In India, roads are often damaged by weathering and traffic. Traffic contributes to road damage by
cumulative vehicle passages and due to heavy vehicles going over the road tearing it up. The other important
reason is due to rains: very short but heavy thunderstorms in which huge volumes of water fall very quickly
causes lots of potholes and even once repaired these potholes are continually washed open again by the water
volumes. Pothole detection and repair is important because unless it is repaired quickly, it can cause accidents
to the people and slow down vehicle movements resulting in heavy traffic, damaging wheels and tyres of the
vehicles thus impacting people’s safety and hindering economic activities.
Road Accident Report (2014) by road transport and highways ministry of India [1] reported that 11,398
people have died due to potholes, humps and badly designed speed-breakers. Out of 11,398, the potholes had
caused a total of 11,106 crashes that resulted in deaths of 3,039 people.
Road environment and infrastructure are very important for citizen’s road safety and economic growth of acountry. In India, roads are often damaged by weathering and traffic. Traffic contributes to road damage bycumulative vehicle passages and due to heavy vehicles going over the road tearing it up. The other importantreason is due to rains: very short but heavy thunderstorms in which huge volumes of water fall very quicklycauses lots of potholes and even once repaired these potholes are continually washed open again by the watervolumes. Pothole detection and repair is important because unless it is repaired quickly, it can cause accidentsto the people and slow down vehicle movements resulting in heavy traffic, damaging wheels and tyres of thevehicles thus impacting people’s safety and hindering economic activities.Road Accident Report (2014) by road transport and highways ministry of India [1] reported that 11,398people have died due to potholes, humps and badly designed speed-breakers. Out of 11,398, the potholes hadcaused a total of 11,106 crashes that resulted in deaths of 3,039 people.
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