environmental conditions used for the clothing tests. In this research, Walter dressed in standard
ensemble was tested as the ‘‘nude test,’’ so the effect of QuadGard systems with different ballistic
materials can be measured. Since the interceptor vest is a thick garment and is an important piece
of the three basic garments in the standard ensemble, a longer testing period was required to reach
saturation. Prior to dressing the manikin with the standard ensemble, the manikin was operated for
24 hr as directed by the ASTM standards. After that, the manikin was dressed with the standard
ensemble for the nude test. In order to reach full saturation and to be held constant throughout the
remaining tests, the standard ensemble was placed on Walter and operated for 48 hr, an allotment
of time determined by the measurement of Rt and Ret for full saturation of the standard ensemble.
The QuadGard armor to be tested was placed over the saturated standard ensemble on a fully functioning
thermal manikin. Two additional temperature sensors were positioned over the front thigh
pocket of the BDU pants to measure microclimate temperature and tested for a minimum of 8 hr
once steady state was reached. The placement of microclimate temperature sensors on the BDU
pants is shown in Figure 2. The thermal manikin’s computer software recorded measurement of
temperatures and heat supply every 30 s. At the completion of each test, the tested QuadGard system
was once again placed in the same plastic bag and reweighed to record weight gain due to
moisture retention.