What has changed in the policy?
The government took action by the end of 2015 the Aliens Act 2000 (B) Art. B.1 / 4.7 customize. Added that "in the individual case made a personal decision must be the entire personal situation of the candidate. The same provision is taken from the case of K. and A. 'efforts (efforts and preparations) of the alien should not take so long that the exercise of the right to family reunification is made impossible or excessively difficult.' The examination should also be accessible to everyone, both financially and substantively. The cost of material and passing the exams are therefore reduced. The price of the overall examination is reduced from € 350, - for € 150, - and the price per share examinations goes down (€ 60, - for Speaking, € 40, - for the Dutch Society Knowledge), where it is equal to those in the Netherlands. The self-study package is € 25, - costs and digital version is free to download.