A studywasmade of some of the main traffic hubs in a Latin Americanmetropolis, in order to determine the presence
or absence of noise by means of noise measurements and acoustic mapping. To characterize noise in the
evaluated road stretches, 232 measurements were taken at different points. The Predictor software package
was used for the noise mapping calculations.Noise sensitive areas, e.g., hospitals,were identified in the evaluated
road stretches. Noisemaps were calculated for two hospitals, showing the current levels of noise that reach their
facades. Hypothetical scenarioswere simulated bymaking changes in the composition of traffic andtotalnumber
of vehicles, and an assessment was made of the potential influence of these modifications in reducing the noise
levels reaching the facades of the buildings in question. The simulations indicated that a 50% reduction in total
traffic flow, or a 50% reduction in heavy vehicle traffic flow, would reduce the noise levels by about 3 dB(A).