2. Developing creative mathematical activities
Here we have emphasized the importance of creating as many opportunities as possible in Which the students can take the initiative in their learning and for teachers to watch the process.
For this to happen, the teacher has to devise the lesson so that the following types of mathematical activities can emerge.
2.1 mathematical activities to make students realize that patterns might exist
Line up the double-digit multiplication problems on the chalkboard as shown in Figure 2, and ask the whole class to work out the answers together. This provides the opportunity for students to start to realize that patterns might exist.
The students are just completing problems that have been given to them, but the teacher has to watch their reactions as they do this.
As they perform the calculations, the students will start to mutter things like, “The next one has to be 55 x 55!” and “Interesting! They all end in 25!” Again, they are reading ahead and trying to move forward. The teacher should encourage those murmurings and movements.