The T. viride EMCC-107 purchased from the collection of
Microbiological Resources Center (MIRCEN, Egypt) was used. The strain
was maintained on malt extract medium at 4°C and cultured in Petri
dishes at 28°C. A 5 d-old mycelium obtained under these conditions
was used to inoculate the liquid media. The latter medium (50 mL),
containing malt extract (20 g/L) and glucose (10 g/L), pH 5.6, was
placed into 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks and autoclaved at 121°C for
20 min before inoculation with 1 mL of mycelium grown on malt
extract medium. The flasks were incubated at 28°C for 72 h on orbital
rotary shaker (100 rpm). The mycelium formed was separated
by decantation and rinsed twice with physiological saline solution (0.9%
NaCl). It was then suspended into 50 mL of the same saline solution
and 2 mL of this suspension were used to inoculate the solid cultures.