2.3.1 Delaunay Triangulation
Triangulation is a process of dividing a region/space into sub regions/sub spaces in the form of triangles. The
space may be of any dimension, however, a 2D space is considered here, since we are dealing with 2D points
(junction and end points). Our goal is to associate a 2 dimensional topological structure from the skeleton points
(junction and end). To associate such topological structure from skeleton points, we have used a triangulation
method called Delaunay Triangulation [12].
Consider a set P of 2 dimensional points p1, p2, . . . , pz, we can compute the Delaunay triangulation of P by first
computing its Voronoi diagram. The Voronoi diagram decomposes the 2D space into regions around each point pi,
such that all the points in the region around pi are closer to it compare to any other points in P. Given the Voronoi
diagram, the Delaunay triangulation can be formed by connecting the centers of every pair of neighbouring Voronoi
regions [12]. So, the Delaunay triangulation is very desirable in our application, since the computation of the
geometric transformations among flowers is based on corresponding skeleton triangles.
2.3.1 Delaunay Triangulation Triangulation is a process of dividing a region/space into sub regions/sub spaces in the form of triangles. The space may be of any dimension, however, a 2D space is considered here, since we are dealing with 2D points (junction and end points). Our goal is to associate a 2 dimensional topological structure from the skeleton points (junction and end). To associate such topological structure from skeleton points, we have used a triangulation method called Delaunay Triangulation [12]. Consider a set P of 2 dimensional points p1, p2, . . . , pz, we can compute the Delaunay triangulation of P by first computing its Voronoi diagram. The Voronoi diagram decomposes the 2D space into regions around each point pi, such that all the points in the region around pi are closer to it compare to any other points in P. Given the Voronoi diagram, the Delaunay triangulation can be formed by connecting the centers of every pair of neighbouring Voronoi regions [12]. So, the Delaunay triangulation is very desirable in our application, since the computation of the geometric transformations among flowers is based on corresponding skeleton triangles.
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