103 Before an entity recognises an impairment loss for an asset recognised in
accordance with paragraph 91 or 95, the entity shall recognise any impairment
loss for assets related to the contract that are recognised in accordance with
another Standard (for example, IAS 2, IAS 16 and IAS 38). After applying the
impairment test in paragraph 101, an entity shall include the resulting carrying
amount of the asset recognised in accordance with paragraph 91 or 95 in the
carrying amount of the cash-generating unit to which it belongs for the purpose
of applying IAS 36 Impairment of Assets to that cash-generating unit.
104 An entity shall recognise in profit or loss a reversal of some or all of an
impairment loss previously recognised in accordance with paragraph 101 when
the impairment conditions no longer exist or have improved. The increased
carrying amount of the asset shall not exceed the amount that would have been
determined (net of amortisation) if no impairment loss had been recognised