What do you want them to know?
Select key facts and information regarding your offer that should be included in campaign messages. If you are offering tangible goods or services related to your campaign (e.g. free quart-sized resalable plastic bags at security check-points), you will want messages that inform target audience where and when they can be accessed. There may be key point you want to make on how to perform the behavior (e.g. the limit for carry-on liquids is3 ounces, and they must fit in a quart-sized resalable plastic bag). To highlight benefits of your offer, you may decide that a key point you want your audience to know relates to statistics on risks associated with competing behaviors (e.g. makeup and other liquids not in these bags will be taken and discarded) and benefits you promise (e.g. having this ahead of time can save and fellow passenger up to 20 minutes in line).