Explain the relevance to
organisations of leading standards relating to sustainable sourcing in each of the following areas:
• Environmental
• Social
• Economic
2. Analyse the potential advantages and disadvantages of the use of sustainability development within the sourcing process
3. Figure 1 Sustainable development word could
The word cloud was made from people’s ideas about sustainable development. The more
people used particular word, the bigger its size appears in the cloud.
a) Suggest how environment,future and needs from figure 1 relate to sustainable development.
b) Explain how the use of natural resources may have social and economic costs.
4. Apply sustainable development theory and developed indicators to your business
5. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Carbonfootprint Organisation,Carbon Footprint Product/Service, Water Footprint,ecological Footprint and Energy Footprint.
- Why did the Commission choose LCA as a method for measuring environmental performance?
- What indicators (impact categories) do the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method cover?
- What are the next steps to complete the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodological work?
- What is Normalisation? Why is it need?
6. What is the relation between the Carbon Footprint Product/Carbon Footprint organisation and Sustainable Development?