Korats are medium to small short-haired cats-females weigh 6-8 pounds and males weigh from 8-10 pounds. They are compact, powerful cats that feel like a coiled spring and are heavier and more solid than they first appear. They have broad chests and well developed muscles. They have a single, short, close-lying coat covering their powerful bodies and allowing the rippling musculature to show.
They are the only breed that has a heart-shaped head-perhaps one of the reasons they are considered a good luck cat for brides! You can see the heart outline by drawing imaginary lines from the rounded chin to the top of the ears and back to the head. A secondary heart is found by tracing the pronounced eye ridges down to the chin. The characteristic glowing peridot eyes are large and luminous but not bug-eyed or over powering. Their eyes appear slanted when closed but are totally round when fully open.
Korats develop slowly and can take up to 5 years to reach full maturity. The eye color also takes time to develop. Kittens start with the blue of all newborns and then change to amber with a green tinge around the pupil in their teenage years. They finally change to the peridot green of the adult when they are 2-4 years old. Like fine wine, the Korat gets better with age.
Some Korats are exceptionally quiet while others have a lot to vocalize about. Every cat has a wide ranging vocabulary from a quiet chirp to a full roar-but they generally speak only when they have something to say or need to alert you to their needs.