a die or dice
How to play
1. Make a token by cutting along the dotted line. Fold and glue it.
2. Cut the note bank along the dotted line then give it to the player equally.
3. Place the token at the start point, put the icecreams, the dolls, the candies .......
4. Take turns to roll a die to move the token by the number of squares indicated by the die roll.
1. Buy yummy icecream for 5 baht
2.Oops! the dime fell down, go back 2 squares.
3 Spent too much money, go back to the beginning.
4 Pass the doll shop, spend 15 baht
5. What a cutie doll! I gotta spend 15 baht more.
6 Go back to revise, what did I spend money on?
7 Selling the flowers, get 10 baht from friend.
8 On the way to the bank, spend 5 baht on some candy.
9 Hooray!! finally we're at the bank, let deposit some money