Many fireflies can be identified by their flash patterns, but this is not as easy as it would seem. As in bird
identification, many birds can be identified by their calls, but it takes practice and experience to do this
effectively. For beginners it is easier to identify them with visual clues and then one can learn to associate the bird
with the call. With fireflies it is also helpful to have some visual clues, so it will be helpful to capture a specimen
so one can see it and make sure it is what you think it is. But after you are familiar with fireflies in your area you
will be able to identify them from the flash pattern. I once went to a new habitat and saw three flash patterns. I did
not have a net so I could not capture them. I was sure there were three different fireflies present. The next visit I
had a net and I found that the different flash patterns were being made by the same insects (a Photuris).