*** Discontinued as of Alpha 8 ***
As alpha 8 comes with everything my workplace provided, I'll discontinue this mod.
If someone wants to use anything out of it, feel free to do, what ever you want.
Credits aren't needed anymore.
This mod is the evolution of my first mod 'Blacksmith's Workplace'. It implements all the original functionality and expands on it.
I've tried to fit it seamlessly into the vanilla gameplay.
The mod provides two new workplaces: The Blacksmith's and the Weaponsmith's Workplace.
The Blacksmith's Workplace is a complimentary workplace to the stonecutter's table. It gives you the ability to smelt the slag debris to extract a bit of metal from it. Additional you can smelt your not needed weapons for metal.
The Weaponsmith's Workplace needs to be researched. But once this is done, you can create your own weapons. But be aware that the better weapons need a skilled crafter.