The XRD pattern of cotton fabric treated with 2% ZnO/(N/O-CMchitosan)
bionano-composite is shown in Fig. 5. The characteristic
peaks of cotton fabric (Fig. 5) at2 ≈23◦ which is the intensive peak,
and also the less intensive one at 2 ≈14◦ (Swarthmore, 1972). The
other bands at 2 less than 24 are may be attributed to the presence
of N/O-CM-chitosan. The broad beak at 2 from 31◦ to 36◦ is related
to the ZnO crystallite (Swarthmore, 1988). This broadening is may
attributed to the presence of Zn in coordination withNH2 andCOOH
groups present in the N/O-CM-chitosan moieties.