Cause for concern
In a 2006 review paper published in the St. Thomas Law Review, George Rekers identified a number of findings from various studies that support the Church's position against adoptions by same-sex couples. Among those results are:
Psychological issues
A study of 1,300 people from birth to age 21 found a significantly higher occurrence among homosexuals of depression, anxiety disorder, conduct disorder, substance abuse and thoughts about suicide.
Unstable relationships
Homosexual men average 44.3 sexual partners in their lifetime, compared to 15.7 for heterosexual men
Lesbian women average 18.7 lifetime sexual partners, compared to 4.9 for heterosexual women
Added stress
Between two studies of children raised by same-sex couples, 92 percent reported serious problems, of which 94 percent were directly related to having a homosexual parent
Academic success
A study comparing children raised by married heterosexual parents with children raised by cohabitating same-sex parents, found that children of married heterosexual couples scored, on a scale of one to nine, an average of 8.1, compared with an average score of 6.2 for children of same-sex parents