Step-by-step guide to setting up your shipping rates
First we're going to add some shipping classes. There are 2 classes automatically set up for you - "Standard" and "Everywhere Else". "Standard" is for your home country (and any other countries you can ship to for the same cost), if that's not the US you'll want to change this. Don't worry about putting in any prices at this point.
If you want to offer a faster service, you'll need to add another shipping class, and give it a name your customers will recognize, such as "Rush Shipping". Set it up so it applies to all the countries you want. Any time there is more than 1 shipping class for a country, the customer will be given the choice at checkout of which class they want to use.
If you want to set specific rates for another country, or group of countries, you'll need to add another shipping class for each. Again, name it something sensible like "Europe" or "Canada".
The "Everywhere Else" shipping class is the other class that is automatically set up for you. You can't delete it or change it, it will always apply to any countries you didn't set a specific class for. You should set the price of this class high enough to make sure it covers the cost of shipping to anywhere in the world (including insurance if you want).
An example of what your shipping classes might look like at this stage:
Step-by-step guide to setting up your shipping rates First we're going to add some shipping classes. There are 2 classes automatically set up for you - "Standard" and "Everywhere Else". "Standard" is for your home country (and any other countries you can ship to for the same cost), if that's not the US you'll want to change this. Don't worry about putting in any prices at this point. If you want to offer a faster service, you'll need to add another shipping class, and give it a name your customers will recognize, such as "Rush Shipping". Set it up so it applies to all the countries you want. Any time there is more than 1 shipping class for a country, the customer will be given the choice at checkout of which class they want to use. If you want to set specific rates for another country, or group of countries, you'll need to add another shipping class for each. Again, name it something sensible like "Europe" or "Canada". The "Everywhere Else" shipping class is the other class that is automatically set up for you. You can't delete it or change it, it will always apply to any countries you didn't set a specific class for. You should set the price of this class high enough to make sure it covers the cost of shipping to anywhere in the world (including insurance if you want). An example of what your shipping classes might look like at this stage:
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