fergusson island, is notorionsly deadly. have between islands and around the tip of fergusson, then hike in land to a tiny village that will be there home base. pocket evironments cut off from each other and the out side create fertile ground for small population of birds to erolre extra ordinary characteristics. promiscuity is a full-time job. they flirt and flirt to get the female's attention.
the males would mate repeatedly with the same females throughout the course of the display session, would mats with multiple females, would mate with the sam females repeatedly over multiple days or weeks so, they're rot very discriminating about who and how many. it's pretty much up to the female. so they're only about 25 meter away. but may be they're all spooked by my cameras up there, the digital trap is laid but no one's biting. come on in, buys, the water's warm. uninter tionally, ed tries to call then in himself. i don't know what to do about it.