This event is known in the credit card industry as the "First Supper." Soon the concept of "charging it " was picked up by merchants as an alternative from the payment to the use of cash. By 1952, the Diner's Club Card was accepted by thousands of business across the United States, and it became a status symbol for those who carried it.
other famous international credit card have been created such as american express , visa , and mastercard there are hundred of local bank cards department store credits cards, supermarket credit cards, and so fourth around the world
in 1984, the first card members rewards program was created, aimed mostly at business travelers. it gave valuable benefits and special privileges to loyal users now many reward programs offer free airline miles and discounts on hotels and other products.
ever since a businessman forget his cash in 1949 people have used credits cards. an entirely new business was created that revolutionized the way the world has paid for goods and services ever since.