Merchandising is an important work in garments sector. So that merchandiser job is essential for every garment. In this job the employer must have need hard working mind, convincing power, instant intelligence, powerful observation, patience etc. Without merchandiser no garments can run smoothly. Without buyer no garments company can exists. For this reason buyer satisfaction is very important. Buyer means that buy the products from any organization. In garments sector buyer means especially foreign buyer who come to our country and buy products from our garments. At this time of giving order if buyer satisfied with the help of merchandiser then the buyer will come again. Buyers another condition is delivery the products in due time. Merchandiser take care this condition seriously. Because if buyers do not get products due time then they will not come again that garments. So merchandisers are handling and caring all kinds of work from taking order to delivery products to buyers and always wants to satisfy them because garments or garments sector’s welfare depends on buyer’s satisfaction. I have chosen textilesgarments industry to do my internship and the name of the company is Luminous Textiles Ltd. It is a private limited company.