Copper sulphate, 5-hydrate: 220 g/l
Sulphuric acid: 60 g/l
Fine Grain Additive CuHK 1534/1535: 0,2 - 0,5 ml/l
Chloride: 0,5 - 3 mg/l
The main criteria for the quality of the copper deposits obtainable are:
Hardness: Normally 200 - 220 HV.
Smooth deposits: Without any roughness.
Brightness: An optical sign for hardness.
Ductility: Important for engraving, and subsequent
removal of the "Ballard" Skin.
No burning: No rough edge areas.
No signs of re-crystallising: The hardness is not affected, even after
storing for months.
To always maintain the characteristics mentioned, it is essential to precisely
control the composition of the electrolyte, and the plating conditions.
It is possible to analytically determine all the substances used, and to establish the
consumption/control thereof